Green Community Grants
We’ve invested more than £500,000 in Green Community Grants. This is part of our #HealthyCities initiative - where Bupa employees, suppliers and customers walked close to 1 billion steps in June to unlock money for charity.
More than 1,000 schools and charities applied, and we've funded 241 green grants across the UK.

Supporting Schools
We know that young people and their supporters want to do more to help themselves be healthier and create a healthy planet.
We're proud to work with Eco Schools and The Happy News for Schools to do just that.

Community Committees
We support local charities that help vulnerable people in their communities.

Support for the charities we work with
We know that working in the charity sector is really rewarding but can also be tough. We have lots of ways we can support you, from legal pro-bono to free Personal Energy workshops.