2024 applications open 1 June

Schools and community groups can apply for up to £2,000 to improve local green spaces. Grant applications open 1 - 30 June.

Green Community Grants in 2023

In 2023 the Bupa Foundation invested more than £500,000 in Green Community Grants. This is part of our #HealthyCities initiative - where Bupa employees, suppliers and customers walked close to 1 billion steps in June to unlock money for charity. 

 More than 1,000 schools and charities applied, and we've funded over 230 green grants across the UK. This includes:

  • over 150 schools who'll receive funding for outdoor classrooms, forest schools, sensory gardens and similar projects. 

  • over 75 community groups, charities and food banks will get grants for community allotments, parks, playgrounds and green space improvements.

 A big thank you our partner Groundwork who are administering this programme, and congratulations to the schools and charities..

 These grants promise to make deep impact in our local communities – making places and spaces greener, and empowering schools and charities to put their ideas into action.

 #HealthyPlanetHealthyPeople 💙 #BupaFoundationGreenGrants

Working together to make a positive difference to the health of local communities

The Bupa Foundation is proud to partner with Groundwork to deliver the Green Community Grants programme.

Groundwork is a federation of charities mobilising practical community action on poverty and the environment across the UK.


During June, thousands of Bupa employees, customers, suppliers, charities and friends and family took part in a #HealthyCities walking challenge.

The more they walked, the more the Bupa Foundation donated to projects that improve people and planet health.