Case study: Groundswell's Mental Health Peer Advocacy Programme

Homeless Health Mental Health Advocacy Programme

Funding programme: Mid-life Mental Health

In 2016 a Bupa Foundation grant of £57,500 enabled Groundswell to extend its Homeless Health Peer Advocacy programme to support homeless people in tackling complex mental health needs, leading to improved mental health, wellbeing and independence.

Led by volunteers with experience of homelessness, Groundswell delivered 100 Health and Mental Health promotion sessions in hostels and day centres that reached 600 clients, 343 one-to-one engagements, support for 66 appointments relating to mental health.

Through the programme 17 formerly homeless volunteers gained mental health peer support skills and completed Groundswell’s Volunteer Progression Programme of coaching, training and clinical supervision. 5 volunteers have since progressed to full time employment and 4 are continuing to volunteer whilst attending college.

In 2018 Groundswell was awarded a further grant of £69,990 to further develop its mental health peer advocacy.